About Me
I go by Elena and I'm a visual science communicator. Science can be vague, too complex or straight up confusing. That's why illustrations and figures are crucial to public understanding. My goal with my science illustration is to inspire people to give objects, even an everyday rock on the street, a chance to spark some interest.
I operate out of San Francisco. I worked as an Editorial Production Lead of Multimedia at Newsela for 5 years and created over 400 educational figures for science, language arts and social studies content.
Outside of science illustration, I write comics, paint, take care of my dear snakes and puppy, of course, collect rocks.
Born and raised in good ol' Atlanta, GA, I graduated from Oberlin College in 2018 with a double major in geology and chemistry. In 2019, I earned a Certificate in Science Illustration from California State University, Monterey Bay.
I will take on most science related projects but I am best equipped for topics relating to climate, geology, agriculture, chemistry and physics.
My work has been featured in Scientific American, Science, Biogeochemistry, Global Change Biology, Biochemistry, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, PNAS, ScienceNews Magazine, SciTech Daily, EarthSky, Universe Today, Geophysical Research Letters, Vector: The Boston Children's Hospital Blog and New Nature.
What does it stand for?

E stands for me! It's my family's given nickname.
Lab (short for laboratory) represents any place where scientific research is done.
Arts... well, that's obvious.